
What it does

The Color Command Generator is a tool for mineraft that allows the user to implement section marks in their commands which usualy isn't possible without external editors like McEdit. This character starts controll sequences for text formating. You can for example give players renamed items with colored names, make the display name of scoreboards bold or underline entity names. The possibilities are endless!

How it works

To use the Color Command Genarator simply write or paste a command in the input box. Unlike other generators, this one also supports commands with quotation marks or backslashes. After that hit the generate button and copy the generated command, swich over to minecraft and paste it into a command block. Now run the command. A sign will apear placed at the command block. Click that sign and now you'll have text formating in your command.
Code Effect
§0 Black text
§1 Dark blue text
§2 Dark green text
§3 Cyan text
§4 Dark red text
§5 Purple text
§6 Orange text
§7 Light gray text
§8 Gray text
§9 Blue text
§a Light green text
§b Light blue text
§c Light red text
§d Pink text
§e Yellow text (Yellow text)
§f White text (White text)
§k Randomly changing characters (unreadable)
§l Bold text
§m Text with a strike-through
§n Underlined text
§o Italic text
§r Reset Code

your own colored Command!

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